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Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the sport, 这篇快速阅读将让你快速了解如何像专业人士一样体验加速赛车.

September 6, 2024

这些快速的事实和内幕提示涵盖了它所有从基本的阻力赛车和主要NHRA事件在康科德举行, 北卡罗莱纳州参观zMAX Dragway和探索所有Cabarrus县所提供的想法. 此外,每个部分都包含额外的资源,以便您可以将它们收藏起来,以便稍后快速访问.

About NHRA

The National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) 汽车竞速组织是为冠军赛举办的吗. During a race, 同一级别的汽车从站立开始进行正面交锋,以第一个越过终点线, 在时速超过330英里的情况下,一些人在4秒内就能完成这项壮举!

在北卡罗莱纳州康科德的zMAX Dragway, NHRA旗帜飘扬

In Cabarrus County, NHRA事件是一个全天的经验与三个完整的赛车和娱乐的日子. 锦标赛式的比赛从排位赛开始,最快的赛车进入最后一天的淘汰赛,以决定每个类别的总冠军. Class is based on vehicle type, engine size, 以及其他各种因素,其中Top Fuel和Funny Car类别的速度最高.

Along with even more details, NHRA’s website 提供了一个术语列表,可以帮助你在任何时候听起来像一个经验丰富的粉丝. Here are a few to get you started:

  • The Wally:官方NHRA奖杯,以NHRA创始人沃利·帕克斯的名字命名.
  • Christmas Tree (“The Tree”): 起跑线上车道间的电子起跑装置.
  • Wheelie bar(s): Used to prevent excessive front-wheel lift.

Resource: NHRA 101 with Glossary

Main Events at zMAX Dragway

夏洛特赛车场在康科德的综合设施包括 zMAX Dragway这是世界上第一条四车道全混凝土拖曳带. Known as the “Bellagio of drag strips,“zMAX全年举办了许多激动人心的赛事,包括两个NHRA最受期待的比赛周末.

NHRA 4-Wide Nationals (Spring)

NHRA称之为“地球上最强大、最充满感官的皇冠hg0088正网网址景点!,” this event features 40,000马力作为NHRA加速赛车明星比赛四宽. 比赛将于周五开始,周六继续进行,车队将在周日被淘汰前进行最后一次冲刺,以提高自己的成绩.

NHRA Carolina Nationals (Fall)

随着卡巴鲁斯县天气的降温,赛车活动升温! NHRA赛车系列回归三天激烈的两场比赛. 在冠军赛季后赛倒计时的第二场比赛中,检查并排比赛.

Resource: Charlotte Motor Speedway Event Schedule

Tips for Visiting

Arrive prepared and make the most of your visit! 加速赛车会刺激你所有的感官,从橡胶烧焦的气味到引擎轰鸣的声音,这意味着 ear protection is a must.

为你的团队中的每个人带一套,或者在赛道上租一套. zMAX的设施还包括一系列优惠, 你也可以带一个14 × 14 × 14的软面冷藏箱,里面有你自己的点心——只是要确保把杯子留在家里.

NHRA事件为整个家庭提供乐趣,无论是在赛道上还是赛道外. At this event, every ticket is a pit pass! 所以除了目睹汽车以每小时300多英里的速度在赛道上加速之外, 球迷们可以看到球队在10分钟内的幕后工作,000-horsepower hotrods.

To catch the most action, 在你最喜欢的车手跑完后,立即前往他们的维修站,观看接下来的30分钟,看他们如何拆除, clean, inspect, and rebuild their ride. You can even score autographs and snap selfies!

Many teams have hero cards available, 你也可以在“探索卡巴罗斯范面包车”那里停下来,领取免费的目的地指南,并附上签名页. Nitro胡同风扇区还设有赛车模拟器, music, 商品和令人兴奋的演示和展示.

请致电或访问夏洛特赛车场在线查询门票套餐的详细信息, upgrades, and other special deals. Already have tickets? Download the CMS app 你需要的所有信息都在你的指尖.

Along with these tips, the usual pointers apply—Get there early, bring sunscreen, and wear weather-appropriate attire. 这包括舒适的鞋子,可以站起来,在赛道行走的粘性赛车表面.

Resource: Fan FAQ on CharlotteMotorSpeedway.com

Plan a Trip


With attractions like Charlotte Motor Speedway and NASCAR Race Shops卡巴鲁斯县是赛车爱好者的遗愿清单目的地. 这是地球上唯一能让你发现赛车传奇的地方 Dale Earnhardt’s hometown, watch NASCAR crews at work, and get behind the wheel of a stock car, all in one visit. 还有更多的汽车历史,比如 Mustang Owner’s Museum and Curb Museum, where motorsports collide with North Carolina’s music heritage.

将你的zMAX Dragway之旅与其他刺激肾上腺素的活动结合起来,比如 indoor skydiving or trekking through underground mine tunnels where America’s first gold discovery was made. Add endless shopping options, local places to eat and drink, and family fun at spots like SEA LIFE Aquarium or K1 Speed and you’re on the way to one unforgettable adventure.

Get inspired by browsing the Cabarrus County, NC目的地指南,并开始计划您的旅行,现在与这些 Places to Stay. Camping 酒店位于zMAX Dragway酒店外,该地区有30多家酒店可供选择.

Resource: Cabarrus County, NC Destination Guide

Want to learn more?

We’re always here to help! Stop by or call the Visitor Information Center at 800-848-3740. 想要在旅途中找到答案,请在社交媒体上使用#ExploreCabarrus与@ExploreCabarrus联系.

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